When designing technical workplaces for control centres or control rooms, the focus is not only on “dust-dry” standards and occupational health and safety regulations. Rather, the aim is to create an environment in which the user enjoys working efficiently. Perhaps even proud of the appreciation he experiences from his employer for an exceptional workplace. It is increasingly not only the salary or a great company car that attracts talent.
The change in values of generations presents companies with a special challenge, but can also be used as an opportunity. While GenY was still considered to have a high degree of commitment and a balanced work-life ratio as defining characteristics, GenZ, born in 1995 and later, is increasingly subject to different values. Real and digital life are merging and the pressure to perform is also increasing considerably due to social media comparisons with others. Decisions are only an intermediate state until a new situation arises. To offer these potential employees an environment in which they not only function, but also feel comfortable is a challenge to be met. The combination of WHAT I do WHY and HOW must be right. Of course the salary also plays a role, but certainly not as important as perhaps with other “less painful” generations.
What is the connection to functional and ergonomic workplace design? The planning for this must be done from the inside out. This means that the environment and work equipment should be planned on the basis of the employee and his activities. The system ergonomics analyses the human-machine interaction with the aim of optimising it. An individually adjustable sit-stand desk with variable viewing distance to the monitors is one of many elements of this workplace design. Above all, however, it is also important to give these useful functions an attractive design. There is hardly a second chance for the first impression – and it is visual.
Together with customers and architects, #knuerrconsoles designs individual workstations with innovative technologies and high-quality materials, taking into account occupational health and safety regulations. This is especially proven during 24/7 shift operation in safety-critical control centres and control rooms. Whether X,Y,Z, Alpha or Beta, a working environment that promotes passion and joy for daily tasks has a positive effect on the work result. Fortunately, this effect is being recognised and implemented by more and more companies. Many employees decide to take on a demanding job in an inspiring working environment…even if piecework at the car manufacturer next door would bring considerably more salary.
Author: Tim Holzapfel