About Andreas Bergmann

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So far Andreas Bergmann has created 333 blog entries.

Symposium Leitstelle aktuell 2024 in Bremerhaven!

30.04.2024 _ Knürr as sponsor and visitor at the Symposium Leitstelle aktuell! An absolute highlight of the past week and in the diary for 2024: With well over 400 participants, the "Symposium Leitstelle aktuell" was once again a valuable meeting place for personal exchange within the "112 control centre family" and for discussing numerous technical [...]

Knürr’s membership of the BVSW

16.04.2024 _ The Bayerische Verband für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft (BVSW) e.V. supports the Bavarian economy in all security issues with the aim of averting damage. The association aims to establish an information channel between politics and business and co-operates closely with all Bavarian security authorities, in particular the Ministry of the Interior, the State [...]

Symposium Leitstelle aktuell

09.04.2024 _ Symposium Leitstelle aktuell, Bremerhaven: We will be there as a visitor and sponsor. Visit the Control Centre Symposium in Bremerhaven, with many interesting and innovative workshops and presentations. Come and see us! We will be there as a visitor and sponsor. Date: 23-24 April 2024 Place: Bremerhaven https://www.knuerr-consoles.com/ #Knürr #Networking #SymposiumControlCentreBremerhaven [...]

Knürr on the road at the ISE 2024 in Barcelona

16.02.2024 _ During ISE 2024, we had interesting days full of new impressions. We took the opportunity to maintain and expand our networks and visit our cooperation partners.We took a tour of the trade fair to find out about the latest technical innovations and trends. #Innovation.Our personal highlights:Hall 2 with Barco UniSee II, Barco CTRL [...]

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