Over the past two years, the participants of the “Area Planning Working Group” of the Control Centre Association have compiled the document “Handreichung Leitstellenplanung” (Guide to Control Centre Planning). The planning of control centre areas and room sizes in the construction of new control centres is often based on completely outdated expert opinions or derivation bases, or is based on the “negotiating skills” of individual participants. The professional association would like to take a position on this and provide its members with a recommendation on the basics of a necessary and up-to-date area and room size planning for control centres.
Our colleague Markus Ressel and other experts from various disciplines have actively contributed to the creation of this guide in order to design an up-to-date and comprehensive collection of recommendations for control centre planning. The document will soon be available to association members on the website of the Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. https://www.fvlst.de/.
We are pleased to have contributed to this important technical information and wish all construction experts, architects, control centre planners and control centre managers every success.