13.06.2023 _
In the last few months, the document “Handreichung Leitstellenplanung”, which was published for the first time in 2020, was scrutinised by the participants of the “Arbeitsgruppe Flächenplanung” of the Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. and a version 2.0 was developed. The association would like to provide the control centres with the basics of a necessary and up-to-date area and room size planning. The rapid development of new technologies in the field of information and communication technology, but also in the field of architecture and technical building equipment, naturally results in changes for the planning and operation of a control centre.
Our colleague Markus Ressel and other experts from various fields have actively contributed to updating this guide in order to create an up-to-date and comprehensive collection of recommendations for control centre planning. The document is available to association members on the website of the Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. https://www.fvlst.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/FVLST-Raumprogramm-Leitstellen-V.2.0.pdf.
We are pleased to have contributed to this important technical information and wish all building experts, architects, control centre planners and control centre managers every success.
We would be happy to advise you in more detail https://www.knuerr-consoles.com/
#KnürrConsoles #FachverbandLeitstellen #Control centre planning