Since 2013, leasing investments in Germany have been steadily increasing, reaching a total value of almost 70 billion euros in 2018. It is probably not surprising that the largest share is accounted for by equipment leasing. But real estate leasing and hire-purchase are also gradually increasing, with the share of leasing in overall economic investment (excluding residential construction) rising to around 15.5% in the reference year 2018 (Statista 2018). The laptop that accompanies them daily, the copier they use regularly and even the fully automatic coffee machine in the tea kitchen are increasingly likely to be leased. But not only concrete objects but also abstract services can be financed. The consumer market confirms that possession was yesterday and today the focus is on use.

Leasing offers many advantages for both manufacturers and customers. Innovation and use cycles are reduced and calculable costs within a fixed period of time facilitate the overall cost consideration. Those who want to invest in their ideas in the short term also need the appropriate financial resources quickly. Through individually agreed leasing models, liquidity is quickly made available for start-ups as well as for SMEs and public customers according to their respective needs in order to enable immediate investments. Especially in larger organisations, investment expenditures are planned in pre-prepared annual budgets, which makes it all the more difficult to obtain approval for extraordinary funds or to obtain justifiable approval. In this context KfW offers German private enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 500 million an attractive promotional measure of 1.3% of the total leasing instalments.

Together with our financing partner, we offer you fast, simple and flexible financing alternatives for all aspects of control room and control centre equipment. No matter whether you want to replace a 24/7 chair or are planning to expand the control centre with an additional 10 dispatcher workstations, we will be happy to make you an individual offer.
